Grupo Arquitectura
Sin categorizar | 02. 11. 2021


Light is an essential component in architecture. It’s the sign of differentiation of activities within a space, such as volumetric generator and creator of emotions.

Nowadays, architects emphasize lighting within their projects since lighting is considered a base point to give the desired effect to a space and highlight areas of opportunity.

In lighting projects, we always consider the idea to generate emotions and motivate people, from choosing suitable luminaries, installation, and placement, to the moment the user inhabits the space. When working on a project, we look for going beyond the expected thing to do, from what’s written down, leaving our comfort zone, and giving a unique and personal touch to the space.

In our evolution, we always look for different perspectives and new angles. We criticize our last projects to see what works, where we dared ourselves, and what new challenges we can propose.

Natural lighting plays an essential role in architectural projects. However, at night, we don’t have natural lighting; therefore, it’s important to understand how to implement and design a project with artificial lighting, endowing it of its character and essence.

We know artificial lighting is a crucial part. It’s a component we invest a lot in projects because we understand it can change a space completely. 

A good example is Alquimia, a recently opened gallery in Masaryk. In this project, we generated emotions and conveyed what the artist wanted by only illuminating the pieces, enveloping the viewer in the works of art, and avoiding distraction with other elements thanks to the proper lighting.

We are currently working with Punto LDT Iluminación designers, who are involved with the product and state-of-the-art technologies and developing their designs of luminaries with lighting effects to innovate within the market, achieving diverse projects, something exceptional and extraordinary. 

For lighting to work, we must define the function we want to give to the space and adapt to the desired style. It’s important to be very careful with quality and have constant communication with the client so that the final result is satisfactory and unique. 

Lighting project @puntoldt

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